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Upper Colville River, Alaska

        Upper Colville Fossil Images Unassigned Fossil Images 85JTP01


This interactive map of part of the Colville River, Northern Alaska, shows the locations of plant fossil collections made by J.T. Parrish and R.A. Spicer in 1985 and 1989. Click on a number for more details on that site. The red outlined area links to another map showing positions of florules (plant fossil assemblages) collected by C.J. Smiley along both the Colville and Chandler Rivers.

Interactive map of the Upper Colville River Hotspot linking to 85RAS09 Hotspot linking to Smiley's Colville and Chandler River localities. Hotspot linking to 85RAS02 Hotspot linking to 85RAS01 Hotspot linking to 85RAS03 Hotspot linking to 85RAS04 Hotspot linking to 85RAS05 Hotspot linking to 85RAS06 Hotspot linking to 85RAS07  Hotspot linking to 85RAS08 Hotspot linking to 85RAS10 Hotspot linking to 85RAS11 Hotspot linking to 85RAS12 Hotspot linking to 85RAS13 Hotspot linking to 85RAS14 Hotspot linking to 85RAS13 Hotspot linking to 85RAS16 Hotspot linking to 85RAS17 Hotspot linking to 85RAS18 Hotspot linking to 85RAS19 Hotspot linking to 89RAS1_3 Hotspot linking to 89RAS04 Hotspot linking to 89RAS05 Hotspot linking to 89RAS06 Hotspot linking to 89RAS07 Hotspot linking to 89RAS09 Hotspot linking to 89RAS10 Hotspot linking to 89RAS11 Hotspot linking to 89RAS12 Hotspot linking to 89RAS164_320

Locality 85JTP01

This section is mapped as KcKt (lower part of the Killik Tongue of the Chandler Formation and Tuktu Formation undifferentiated, Chapman et al., 1964), now the middle part of the Nanushuk Formation (Mull et al., 2003).

The upper part of the section is a rippled marine sandstone with some mud drapes, which show abundant trace fossils, flow marks, and a poorly preserved bivalve. The lower part is predominantly mudstone with coal stringers overlain by channel deposits with a basal conglomerate. Within the mudstone, which contains abundant plant remains consists of a succession of well-bedded lenses of mudstones, fine sands and shales with some ironstone concretionary horizons. This is overlain by dark gray nodular shale with fine sand and mudstone horizons, which in turn is overlain by cross-bedded sandstones with basal pebble lags. This is interpreted as a channel fill. The plant remains present in the succession is Podozamites, conifer leafy shoots and ferns. Some large logs occur in the base of the channel.

The exposure represents the upper part of a major sandstone body that passes laterally into siltstones with iron concretions containing Ginkgo, Podozamites and long-leaved conifers of the Pityophyllum type.

Hotspot linking to Smiley's Colville and Chandler River localities. Hotspot linking to localities along the Kukpowruk River Hotspot linking to the Kuk River Localities An overview of the non-marine part of the section, divided into three units, was recorded by J.T. Parrish on July 8 1985.

Top of section    
  Approximately 6m shallow marine sandstone.
Approx. 12 m covered    
Unit 1

5.2 m

1.5 m

medium to fine-grained crossbedded sandstone

medium cross bedded sandstone with conglomerate stringers grades laterally into siltsones with ironstone layers containing Ginkgo.

Unit 2 3.4 m conglomeratic, very coarse sand, with large logs and a deeply scoured base to the north, slightly finer, lacking logs and deep scours to the south.
Unit 3 7.8 m Siltstones and mudstones, very poorly bedded, ironstained concretions and layers, clayey beds very thin, abundant plant material.
Bottom of Section