Locality 98RAS17. 69.497117°N, -162.722125°W
Corwin Formation
Description. This locality is approximately equivalent to Smiley's locality 59. Ironstones in gray mudstones interspersed by channels sandstones. Ironstones contain angiosperms together with Cephalotaxopsis and abundant small Desmiophyllum leaves but equally these could be isolated leaves of Podozamites. Two types of bivalves were observed - one elongated and one more rounded.
All the sediments were rooted (Equisetites?). Cephalotaxopsis also occurred in sandstones. One small very poorly preserved palmate angiosperm leaf was also observed in the sandstone but was too badly preserved to be worth collecting.
Angiosperms in the Kukpowruk River sections appear to be restricted to localities close to the axis of the Barabara Syncline and thus represent the youngest sediments exposed in this area. They appear to be equivalent to those in the Killik Tongue, possibly those in the uppermost lower Killik, but more likely the upper Killik. Bentonites are frequent but deeply weathered and were not sampled.