Locality 96-23. 69° 19' 40" N 162° 33' 51" W
Corwin Formation
Specimen: 96 RAS 117
Description. Beginning of Smiley's Section B. Thick medium to fine cross-bedded yellow sandstone with several ironstone pebble conglomerate stringers. Wood impressions, mostly small abraded branchwood, are abundant. Some wood fragments are coalified but there are quantities of charcoalified fragments less than 1 cm in diameter. Rare ironstone preserved twigs. 96 RAS 117 is an ironstone preserved twig from woody debris in a stringer in a sandstone that is approximately 10 m thick. This sand ends apruptly on the north side of the exposure and passes into a gray clayey mudstone with ironstone nodules. Pityophyllum and Podozamites fragments occur in the clayey mudstone but plant remains are rare in the ironstones. There may be a fault contact with the sands but this was unclear.
Interpretation. Major river channel sandstones, possibly representing the upper delta plain and plants from better drained interfluves than so far seen in the Kukpowruk sequences.