From Hollick (1930) (p. 50)
"Chignik Lagoon, south side, near entrance, Alaska Peninsula (original No. 49); collected by W. W. Atwood and H . M. Eakin in 1908 (lot 5295) (pl. 2, fig. 4b). Port Moller, 2 miles up the canyon, west from Mud Bay, Alaska Peninsula (original No. 35); collected by W. W. Atwood and H. M. Eakin in 1908 (lot 5187) (pl. 13, figs. 1-5; pl. 19, figs. 6b, 7b).
From Hollick (1930) (p. 50)
"Plate 2, Figure 4b; Plate 13, Figures 1- 7; Plate 19, Figures
6b, 7b; Plate 29, Figures 2c, 4e, 6a."
"Leaves small, flabelliform, varying in size and shape, mostly bilobate or with an emarginate apex and a broad cuneate base and short petiole; nervation fiabellate, dichotomously forked."
From Hollick (1930) (p. 50)
"These leaves are abundant at several localities on the Alaska Peninsula but have not been found in any of the collections from the Yukon River region. They are smaller than the leaves of any species heretofore referred to the genus, but they are somewhat suggestive of the leaves described and figured under the names Adiantum formosum Heer (1874) ( p. 35, pl. 3, figs. 1a, 1b, 2a; pl. 13, fig. 2b) and A. formosum incisum Heer (1874) (p. 36, pl. 13, figs. 11, 12) from the Kome beds of Greenland; our leaves, however, appear undoubtedly to belong to a species of Ginkgo and not to any species of fern.
Certain of our larger specimens, such as the one represented by Figure 6 on Plate 13, resemble small forms of Ginkgo intergriuscula Heer (1876) (p. 44, pl. 10, figs. 7 - 9) from the Jurassic of Svalbard; but the resemblance is too remote to warrant more than incidental mention."