USGS 11554.3 cf. Dicotylophyllum sp. cf. Palaeonuphar nordenskioldii (Heer) Bell U64


USNM 406839



Yukon-Koyukuk Basin Locality 11554

Locality Map



Leaf:  simple; symmetrical (?); shape unknown; apex missing; base lobate; margin entire; venation pinnate, camptodromous (?); primary midvein moderate to strong, straight; secondary veins moderate to weak, departing midvein at 50-65°, weakly curved; tertiary and higher order venation obscure.



The third and higher order venation of this leaf is very indistinct but may be random reticulate.  Examination under kerosene reveals the basal lobes to be supplied by a network of fine veinlets with no discernable regular pattern. 

The secondary venation, although apparently camptodromous, gives no indication of being brochidodromous like that of the morphologically similar Palaeonuphar inopina Hollick, USNM 37525, Hollick (1930) p. 75, Plate 40, Fig.5. This specimen differs from P. inopina in that the basal secondaries depart the midvein at an acute angle whereas in P. inopina they depart almost at right angles.