USGS 11611
Lat. 60° 01' 46"N Long. 165° 22' 42"W
Nunivak Island (C-1) Quad.
Leaf: simple; symmetrical; narrow elliptic; apex missing; base missing; margin entire; venation pinnate; midvein moderate to stout, straight; secondaries weak but clearly visible near midvein, straight, departing at angles of 60-70°, more than 18 pairs, sometimes branching obtusely near margin, forming brochidodromous loops; intersecondaries weak; tertiary veins indistinct.
This coriaceous leaf can best be identified as a specimen of Dryophyllum stanleyanum (Dawson 1896, p. 147; Plate 7, Fig. 13). Hollick (1936) also illustrates three specimens (Plate 56, Figs. 3-5) in which the brochidodromous looping and intersecondaries are clearly visible. Hollick also quotes Dawson as suggesting that the form " *** may eventually prove to be allied to the laurels or magnolias" (p. 104). Hollick, in view of the uncertainty of the generic identification, chose to retain the form generic name Dryophyllum Debey. However, the brochidodromous secondaries, intersecondaries, pinnate venation, and entire margin are consistent with the characters typical of the magnoliid-like leaves as Dawson suggested. The form is most commonly found in Paleogene rocks.