Lat. 60° 01' 46"N Long. 165° 22' 42"W
Nunivak Island (C-1) Quad.
Leaf: simple; symmetrical; wide ovate; apex acute; base truncate but with a decurrent junction with the petiole; petiole normal; margin entire; venation perfect basal acrodromous; primary midvein weak, straight; a-pectinal veins weak arising at an angle of 20° and curving to meet just below the apex; a-pectinal abmedials weak, brochidodromous curved, meeting the superadjacent exmedial at an acute angle, arising from the a-pectinals at angles which increase towards the apex, b-pectinals arising from the point of departure of the a-pectinals and giving off brochidodromous b-abmedials; secondaries between the primaries indistinct; tertiaries and higher order veins indistinct.
This poorly preserved specimen is identical to that figured by Hollick (1936, p. 58-59; Plate 113, Fig. 1) named 'Piper' septentrionalis Hollick. Wolfe (1966) included this species under the name 'Cocculus' flabella (Newberry) Wolfe which was most abundant in the Paleocene.
It should also be noted that rather similar leaves from the Upper Cretaceous of Herendeen Bay on the Alaska Peninsula have been referred to the monocotyledonous genus 'Smilax' Linnaeus by Hollick (1930, p. 61; Plate 27, Fig. 7).