60.535° -165.099°
Nunivak Island (C-1) Quad.
Leaf: simple; symmetrical (?); suborbiculate, trilobed with the two lateral lobes poorly developed and positioned approximately halfway between the base and the apex; apex missing; base missing; margin serrate except at the base where apparently entire, teeth very small (< 1 mm) with obtuse angular apices and very broad shallow rounded sinuses; venation suprabasal marginal imperfect actinodromous; primary midvein moderate, more or less straight or slightly curved; pectinal veins slightly weaker than the midvein arising at an angle of approximately 50°, more or less straight or sinuous, extending to the margin and forming the medial veins of the lobes; pectinal abmedials departing at angles of 45-50°, more or less straight craspedodromous, except the more basal abmedials which curve near the margin to form brochidodromous loops which join the superadjacent secondary at an obtuse angle; superior secondary veins arise at an angle of approximately 45°, more or less straight, shallowly curved or sinuous for most of their length becoming curved near the margin and terminating at the margin, abmedial branching common near base; tertiary veins percurrent usually convex joining both ad- and abmedial sides of the secondary veins at an acute angle, usually simple but sometimes forked, in places random reticulate; fourth order veins percurrent, more or less straight or sinuous, usually simple but sometimes forked.
The curvature of the midvein may or may not be significant but the sinuosity of the secondary veins and the inconsistency in the course of the tertiary veins reflect a general lack of organization in the leaf. The teeth, although poorly developed, are probably Platanoid and the leaf is clearly of the hamamelid type.
The specimen is very similar to Grewiopsis yukonensis (Hollick, 1930, p. 107; Plate 81) but there is one possible difference, namely the course of the pectinal veins. In specimen USGS 11617.8 they terminate in the lateral lobes but in Hollick's specimen they apparently do not. This difference may not be real as the true margin is not indicated in Hollick's illustration.