USGS11617.5 Indet. U184


USNM 406851

This specimen is the upper one in the image.




60.535° -165.099°

Nunivak Island (C-1) Quad. 

Locality Map    


Leaf or leaflet:  simple; asymmetrical; obovate with a pronounced apical 'lobe'; apex missing; base obtuse; margin entire; venation very obscure, pinnte, brochidodromous (?); midvein moderate, curved to one side; secondaries weak curved, looped near the margin (?) decurrent on the midvein, forming an angle of 40-45° with the midvein; tertiaries not visible.


This small, possibly immature, leaf appears to be incipiently tri- or possibly multi-lobed.  The venation is so indistinct that it would be unwise to make any statements as to its possible affinities.