USGS11614.1 Indet. MAPE96


USNM 406625



Locality Map


60.610° -164.825

Baird Inlet (C-8) Quad. Nelson Island.

Matrix is a poorly bedded yellow-gray micaceous siltstone.


Leaf:  simple (?); symmetrical (?); wide elliptic; apex retuse; base lobate (?); margin entire; venation pinnate, brochidodromous; midvein weak, straight; secondary veins moderate, curved, departing the midvein at angles of 45-50°, angle increasing basally, curved, degree of curvature increasing near the margin, joining superadjacent secondary at an obtuse angle, possibly several orders of loops; basal most secondaries branched abmedially to form weak pectinal veins, pectinal abmedial brochidodromous; tertiary veins transverse, weakly percurrent, straight to convex joining admedial sides of secondaries at an acute angle, abmedial sides at an obtuse angle; higher vein orders indistinct.


This leaf was apparently thin and membranous judging by the way it has torn during transport and deposition.  The venation is indistinct but suggestive of a magnoliidean or possibly nymphealean form.